Monday, September 28, 2009

Ecstacy Herbal Cigarettes

Ecstacy herbal cigarettes are quite popular among smokers, especially those who are trying to quit. They are made with a blend of herbs to accommodate a variety of tastes. There is a lot of appeal to herbal cigarrettes since they claim to be safer than regular cigarettes. This is because they are made from ingredients directly from the ground, including jasmine, ginseng, and cloves. Also, herbal cigarrettes are made with natural tobacco that has no additivies or nicotine. For these reasons, many people feel that herbal cigaretts are safer to smoke and less addicting.
However, herbal cigaretts work in the same way as regular cigarettes. In order to be smoked, herbal cigerettes must be lit using a lighter or match. Smoke is then inhaled into the lungs and out through the nose and mouth. Therefore, smoke is still entering the bloodstream and respiratory system. Furthermore, some of the herbs used can be difficult to burn, causing more cancer-causing agents and toxins.
Herbal ciggarettes are often referred to as ecstacy herbal cigarettes because they can produce similar feelings to what the drug would do. This is because the ingredients used to make ecstasy herbal cigarettes produce feelings of calmness, relaxation, and euphoria.
As with regular cigarettes, ecstacy herbal cigarettes can cause serious side effects. Because smoke is still entering the bloodstream, one can suffer from adverse side effects from the herbs being used. These effects can include a skin rash, allergic reaction or suffocation. Long term effects include lung and heart problems.
Ecstacy herbal cigarettes are most appealing to those who are trying to quit smoking regular cigarettes. They allow smokers to go through the motions of smoking, such as by holding and inhaling a cigarette. These actions are what smokers often crave most and why alterior methods, such as the nicotine patch or gum, are less appealing. However, people must keep in mind that herbal cigarrettes still carry their own risk and contain a warning label on their package just as regular cigarettes do.
But for those who want to know where to buy herbal cigarettes, they are easy and affordable to purchase. Herbal cigerettes] are not illegal in all states, nor are regulated in the same way. Because they do not contain tobacco, minors under the age of 18 can purchase ecstacy herbal cigarettes online, or at a variety of tobacco or natural health stores.

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